As the factors such as multiparity, lower BMI, lower fetal birthweight and higher bishop scores before induction were found to raise the success of vaginal progesterone E2 for labour induction, age, gestational week at birth, fetal gender and indication for labour induction did not affect its success rate.
In 127 (68.2%) of total 187 patients in our study gave birth vaginally by the application of vaginal prostaglandin E2. There was no difference between two groups in regards to age, gestational week, fetal gender, oxytocin need and the indications for labour induction (p>0.05). Mean parity was found to be significantly higher in successful induction group than failed group (p<0.05). Similarly, the success rate of induction in multiparous women was higher than nulliparous ones (p<0.05). Mean value for BMI was found higher in successful group (p<0.05). When bishop score was compared, it was found to be higher in the successful induction group (p<0.05).
Materials and Methods:
We included in our study term pregnant women who underwent vaginal prostaglandin E2 for induction of labor between January 2016 and March 2019.The cases who had vaginal delivery after induction were categorized as successful, while cesarean section cases were grouped as unsuccessful. The patients in both groups were compared in terms of age, parity, body-mass index (BMI), gestational week, fetal birthweight, fetal gender, bishop score before induction and indication for labour induction as the factors affecting the success of the method.
To identify the factors affecting the success rate of vaginal prostaglandin E2 (dinoproston) used to induct the labour in term pregnancies.